The Story Behind Bamacon Engineering PLC

BamaCon Engineering PLC

Established as a grade VII construction firm in 2001 using the name of the owner and general manager as Girma Gelaw Building Contractor, BamaCon Engineering registered with the ministry of infrastructure, has grown to be a very competitive Grade I Building Contractor with favorable prospects for a role of excellence in the construction industry.

In these thirteen years of its growth, the firm has always believed that capacity depends more on organizational and human resource development than on equipment and finance.

In this belief, the firm has invested a significant portion of its time and money on:

  • Retaining and developing a highly professional management team.
  • Training and motivating its technical staff, from the craftsmen to the senior engineers, to achieve and maintain high standards.
  • Devising and practicing a modern and effective organizational structure.
  • Solicit counseling and conduct selected research to assist in strategic planning.
  • Devising and continuously improving on a system of operation that is guided by written head office and project guide lines, both of which were the result of the combined efforts of professionals of high standards.

And the result has been a firm with a work force that can take on any challenge in the form of a construction job.

With respect to capacity in terms of equipment, while acquisition of major machinery has been capacity requirements, special emphasis on equipment that are specifically appropriate to BamaCon Engineering’s own method of construction were also sought and acquired.

Hitherto, financial capacity has always been commensurate to the cash flow requirements of the projects.

This has been partly due to the firm’s good credit record with clients, insurance companies, banks and construction material suppliers perhaps the most important creditors to any construction firm.

Looking back, the path BamaCon Engineering PLC traveled over the last years seems to be a path of initiation for the competitive challenges of the third millennium.

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